jeudi 5 septembre 2024

Inerrancy of OT: Riding in King David's Day!

When was horseback riding invented?

For the Ancient Middle East, I have heard the date 800 BC, when Assyrians came to master riding.

As Biblical material about King David involved riding, this could potentially have been a stumbling block about the credibility of the Bible.

This screenshot involves an old rider carbon dated to 4300 BC, and a few more ones, the youngest carbon dated to 2623 BC:

How do we know he was a rider? Well, if someone has a tennis arm, he probably plays tennis. Riding also leaves traces in the human body.

2080 av. J.-Chr.
75,723 pcm, donc daté à 4380 av. J.-Chr.
2063 av. J.-Chr.
76,553 pcm, donc daté à 4263 av. J.-Chr.


1700 av. J.-Chr.
87,575 pcm, donc daté à 2800 av. J.-Chr.
1678 av. J.-Chr.
89,4653 pcm, donc daté à 2598 av. J.-Chr.

The real dates for these riders would be younger than 2080 BC (65 years before Abraham was born) and older than 1678 (88 years before Moses was born). The passages would still present some problem as to why horseback riding was available in Old Israel 200 years before it was so in Assyria, and why we haven't seen that, but the problem is on the level of a quibble, not (at least not to the Christian), not an actual doubt./HGL

PS, Ebla archives involve Indo-European names. Carbon dated 2300 BC, i e during the Soujourn in Egypt (1725 to 1510 BC, carbon dated as between 2800 and possibly precisely 1609 BC). Mentioned later on, by 29:38, as also the fact that horsewhips had been offered as merchandise to people with such names./HGL


The video I screenshotted (at 19:31) is:

David Anthony and Dorcas R. Brown: The Yamnaya Origins and the Expansion of Late PIE Languages
HUN-REN Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont | 20 June 2024

And the article that the video features is:

Science Advances | Research Article 2023 Anthropology
First bioanthropological evidence for Yamnaya horsemanship
Martin Trautmann et al

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