
mercredi 29 janvier 2020

Bill Nye on Historic Science

Creation vs. Evolution : Bill Nye Incompetent in Debate · somewhere else : Bill Nye on Historic Science · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Bill Nye on Japanese Tradition · somewhere else : Bill Nye on ... Pantheism? Hegelianism? · Creation vs. Evolution : Bill Nye and Space Rocks

Here he is:

"As soon as you go back in time, as soon as you have any process of reasoning, that requires a miracle - then it's not science."

Like up to 29:34 from a little before in AiG's full length video of the Ark tour he got with Ken Ham.

In answer : the past is studied by record, not by science, primarily. And science can record miracles, or events requiring one, like medical doctors surrounding Lourdes have recorded so and so arriving with such and such a diagnosis and leaving with no longer that diagnosis.

His idea about how to evaluate what happened in the past is very like Khaldoun's and very like Hume's (neither of them being a scientist), but also it mixes up the question what is the primary discipline, namely history, not science, he considers it as being science, not history./HGL

PS Later on, seconds up to 36:25

"You went back to a miracle"

He finds it so evident to everyone once he has said it that he thinks he can invoke it in the rest of the discussion. Yes, we know he thinks science is the proper study of the past and we know he thinks science cannot register miracles. He doesn't seem to know we know and we disagree, on both points.

I think there is such a word or phrase as "being dense" .../HGL

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