
jeudi 16 novembre 2023

Xtra 2 Was Jesus a Schizophrenic?

Index post : Rebecca McLaughlin Wrote a Book

The idea being, "if he thought he was God, he was mad" ...

That's a bit short for "if He thought He was God, He either was God, or he was mad" ... you'd have to dismiss all signs He gave of being divine, including the Resurrection.

And by the way, no, a Schizophrenic madman would not have been very good at either hypnotising people to get triggered to see him as resurrected or participate in an intrigue to replace the "crucified twin" and even less at getting complicities from Roman soldiers or people acting under their supervision, into a purely faked crucifixion.

And would not have been any thing like capable of securing loyal followers which He organised beautifully.

And would not have been able to convince anyone He was doing miracles. He would neither have done any, nor been competent at faking them.

So, no./HGL

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