
jeudi 6 février 2025

Matthew 28:11—15

... and this word was spread abroad among the Jews even unto this day.

So, this is obviously not the case if "this day" means 6.II.2025. You'll hear a few things from Jews, but not this one. If St. Matthew spoke the truth, as he did, this was obviously some time ago. I'm OK with that, as I hold to Matthew being the first Gospel. But, was this ever spread among Jews?

The Nazareth Inscription: Rumor and Reaction to the Resurrection of Jesus
APXAIOC Research / Uncategorized / By Archae27

Hat tip to Christians for Truth for the article

Nazareth Decree May Prove That Jews Plotted to Deny the Resurrection of Christ
March 31, 2024 By CFT Team