
jeudi 30 août 2018

Two Observations, Carrier! What if logically necessary means God?

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : With Richard Carrier · Carrier carries on the obtusity on a key point ... · somewhere else : Two Observations, Carrier! What if logically necessary means God? · Various Responses to Carrier · A Fault in Carrier's Logic Perception

In answer to:

The Problem with Nothing: Why The Indefensibility of Ex Nihilo Nihil Goes Wrong for Theists
by Richard Carrier on August 29, 2018

First your eight propositions:

  • Proposition 1: That which is logically impossible can never exist or happen.

  • Proposition 2: The most nothingly state of nothing that can ever obtain, is a state of affairs of zero size lacking all properties and contents, except that which is logically necessary.

  • Proposition 3: If there was ever Nothing, then nothing governs or dictates what will become of that Nothing, other than what is logically necessary.

  • Proposition 4: If nothing governs or dictates what will become of Nothing (other than what is logically necessary), then nothing (other than what is logically necessary) prevents anything from happening to that Nothing.

  • Proposition 5: Every separate thing that can logically possibly happen when there is Nothing (other than Nothing remaining nothing) entails the appearance of a universe.

  • Proposition 6: If there is Nothing, then there is nothing to limit the number of universes that can logically possibly appear.

  • Proposition 7: If nothing (except logical necessity) prevents anything from happening to Nothing, then every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing has an equal probability of occurring.

  • Proposition 8: If every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing has an equal probability of occurring, then every logically possible number of universes that can appear has an equal probability of occurring.

Now, two observations:

  • Supposing there had been a nothing and any universe could pop out of it, how do you exclude a universe popping out of it by first a god doing so and than that god creating?

  • But this is not the Christian line. The Christian line is rather : existence as such is necessary and the logically necessary existence as such is called God.

Here is how it would apply:

  • Proposition 1': God not existing can never exist or happen.

  • Proposition 2': The most nothingly state of nothing that can ever obtain, is a state of affairs of zero size lacking all properties and contents, except that God exists.

  • Proposition 3': If there was ever Nothing, then nothing governs or dictates what will become of that Nothing, other than God.

  • Proposition 4': If nothing governs or dictates what will become of Nothing (other than God), then nothing (other than God) prevents anything from happening to that Nothing.

  • Proposition 5': Every separate thing that can logically possibly happen when there is Nothing (other than Nothing remaining nothing) entails the appearance of a universe.

  • Proposition 6': If there were Nothing, then there were nothing to limit the number of universes that can logically possibly appear.

    If there is Nothing except God, then there is nothing except God to limit the number of universes that can logically possibly appear.

  • Proposition 7': If nothing (except God) prevents anything from happening to Nothing, then every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing has an equal probability of occurring (to God).

  • Proposition 8': If every logically possible thing that can happen to Nothing has an equal probability of occurring, then every logically possible number of universes that can appear has an equal probability of occurring (to God).

Note, a universe other than The Blessed Trinity (which is God) does not just occur. It has no inherent necessity of existence, and it needs to come into existence by sth necessarily existing contributing to its contingent existence. So God can create exactly any universe He likes to create, between Father, Son and Holy Ghost all agreeing.

And this is exactly what Catholic scholastics have claimed.

A) If you go to Index in stephani tempier condempnationes*

and go on to:

Capitulum VI : errores de Deo

you will find one proposition, numbered by Englishmen as error 9 of the VI chapter, in original Paris document as error 34:

Quod causa prima non posset plures mundos facere.

As a CSL fan, for obvious reasons I call this "the Narnia clause". In my fan fic on Susan Pevensie, King Tirian by Aslan is shown the bishop who "allowed Him to create Narnia" - a bishop in rose garments, as Tempier wore them on Laetare Sunday.**

B) a certain cardinal who became Pope Urban VIII had told one Galileo Galilei several times over, it would seem:

God could create the universe any way He liked it, and God could make the universe appear to us any way He liked it.

The proto-Krauss who was less philosophical than the future Pope like Krauss is less philosophical than Carrier, put this argument into the mouth of one Simplicio or Simplicius in the work called Dialogus - sorry, Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo. It seems that Simplicio was nevertheless based on someone else, but he included an argument based on the future Pope. Or, in 1632, when the book came out, Barberini was already Pope.***

Now, a minor quibble on Presuppositionalism.

I suppose weirdos like presuppositionalists might try to deny this and assert that logically contradictory states of affairs can exist or happen, but for God stopping it with his magical mind rays. But that’s honesty just tinfoil hat.

That is not at all what presuppositionalists think. The real argument is rather: whenever we deal with logical reasoning, we presuppose (hence the name) that there is such a thing as objective logic and that it is accessible to us. An Atheist might argue that "objective logic" = physical necessity (actually, this equation could be behind Atheists claiming miracles are illogical or miraculous explanations are illogical), but the problem is how an Atheist explains that such a thing as objective logic can have an accurate reflection at least on some level as universally valid objective logic° - of a mind emerging from organic urges using a language evolved around mating behaviours analogous to bird songs. And consisting ultimately of intricately arranged particles of matter.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Rose of Lima

* Short URL now - since Carrier reads Tacitus, reading either Tempier or St Thomas will be "child's play".

** Susan's dreams become a book

The Chronicle of Susan Pevensie chapters are, unlike most blog posts, not signed, not just because they are chapters in a book, but also because I modify them - and the Tempier passage was added after its original composition.

*** I have not checked original sources on this one, am going by secondary sources that seemed credible enough. I'd be somewhat surprised, but not totally shocked if what I said was spurious. If it was, it was at least credible as allegation about Catholic Scholasticism of the XVII C.

° See the discussion by C. S. Lewis in Miracles. I think the relevant chapter is 3 The Cardinal Difficulty of Naturalism, starting in this edition on page 17.

vendredi 3 août 2018

"Why Atheists Are So Angry" (13 Things I Learned ...)

Quoting an internet Atheist known as HolyKoolaid:

If Christians didn't want the Quran taught in school, what made them think the rest of us wanted their holy texts shoved down our throats? Religion stifles progress and slows humanity down. Whether it was the blocking of stem cell research, the Pope speaking out against condom use in AIDs-ridden parts of Africa, covering up child rape to protect the faith, or simply the exaltation of faith over science, I saw how muchdamage was done by religion.

Let's deal with it point by point:

If Christians didn't want the Quran taught in school,

I do want Quran taught in Muslim schools to Muslim children of Muslim parents - just as I want Catholic Catechism taught in Catholic schools to Catholic children of Catholic parents. What I do not want is all children of all parents being forced to same school.

what made them think the rest of us wanted their holy texts shoved down our throats?

Excellent point against compulsory school!

Religion stifles progress

Sure, that is what Nimrod complained of when Hebrews were out of his rocket project.

But if Cape Canaveral and Bajkonur finally saw rocket projects launched, it is partly thanks to Hebrews who had refused to take part in the building of the Tower of Babel - since the newer rocket projects were based in a culture at least partly still heir to Abrahamic religion.

and slows humanity down.

God slowed humanity down at Genesis 11:1-9.

If God had allowed Nimrod to make his rocket project with Uranium, there would have been no space travel, just another mushroom cloud, well before Hiroshima and too soon after those in what the Mahabharata Wars presumely were like.

Whether it was the blocking of stem cell research,

Where excellent results have been obtained in adult stem cells - thanks precisely to those blocking. But thanks for admitting you like the idea of a murdered fœtus having his or her cells indefinitely reused for research.

the Pope speaking out against condom use in AIDs-ridden parts of Africa,

"Benedict XVI" was not the Pope, since he is no Catholic. He also did NOT speak out against condoms enough, what he said was condoms only are not a solution. He should have said, they should not even be a normal part of a solution.

covering up child rape to protect the faith,

Or to protect the Vatican II apostasy ... as much as Atheists like to cover up child rape or teen statutory rape (more often than actual rape on actual children in either case) in popular atheist gym teachers and similar.

or simply the exaltation of faith over science,

OK, how often do you see that? What is the "damage"?

I saw how much damage was done by religion.

If I get you right, the damage done by religion in this last case is religious people being religious ... you may be thankful for your dorm mates who harrassed you at college, I am not for the Atheists who harrassed me at boarding school - except for one point, they showed Protestantism cannot stand alone, it dépends on Catholicism. I had had the idea Catholics and Protestants both depended on same Bible, and once certain conflicts were out of the way one could calmly agree to disagree.

But Protestants got the Bible from Catholics and Jews and Orthodox. It cannot stand on Judaism, since it rejects the NT. It cannot stand on either Catholicism or Orthodoxy - since these share traits they reject. So, I quit being a Protestant and started praying the Rosary thanks to those Atheists. Not exactly what they had counted on, but thanks anyway.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Invention of St Stephen Protomartyr

Hierosolymis Inventio beatissimi Stephani Protomartyris, et sanctorum Gamalielis, Nicodemi et Abibonis, sicut Luciano Presbytero divinitus revelatum est, Honorii Principis tempore.