
mercredi 24 octobre 2012

Did the Gospellers plagiarise Mexican Myth, Acharya?

"Our Lord and Savior Quetzalcoatl" / Freethoughtnation

I think that geographically and chronologically impossible.

Mexican myth may have plagiarised Gospel story:
1) by human means if missionaries reached new world before Spaniards, or if 1492 - 1520's were sufficient space of time for Mexican pagans to develop a new myth OR:
2) by diabolical means, the devil plagiarising the Gospel story as already known.


The Aztec godman descends into the underworld, where he "gathers the bones of the human beings of the previous epochs," while, in the apocryphal text [The Gospel of Nicodemus], Christ resurrects several kings and prophets of previous epochs out of the underworld. Quetzalcoatl's blood is used to convey life to the humans whose bones he saved, while Christ's blood delivers eternal life and saves humans from death.

As to Christ resurrecting several kings and prophets of previous epochs, it seems to have better authority than Gospel of Nicodemus.

[Matthew 27:52] And the graves were opened: and many bodies of the saints that had slept arose, [53] And coming out of the tombs after his resurrection, came into the holy city, and appeared to many.

Haydock Commentary:

The rocks were rent, and the graves were opened: and many bodies of the saints ... arose. St. Jerome takes notice, that these saints did not rise with their bodies till after Christ was risen; and so it follows, that going out of the graves, after the resurrection, they came into the holy city, (i.e. into Jerusalem) and appeared to many. (Witham) --- This event was a prophecy of the fatal destruction that was shortly to fall upon the temple; and also, that it should henceforth give place to things more noble and sublime. It likewise shews that greatness of Christ's power. (St. Chrysostom, hom. lxxxix.)

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Le Havre
St Raphaël